
The wording on this invitation is a good solution for bilingual weddings.....


I have a Huge crush on Marcelo Wong's sculptures.

I love how they're so beautiful and filled with playful, almost childlike energy.
Amazing work, so ingenious! And even thou I can see the Asian reference, it's amazing how everything just a little chubby can remind us of Botero, no?
If I had an extra US$5.000 I would get me a little Wong!

Here's the artist with my favorite piece, "Gran Jefe", and I'm also posting a few other samples of his work. Enjoy!!


Las night we made Tempura Zucchini. It was Sooo good and Sooo easy we might make it today again!!



O.K. Palpitations? Check. Hyperventilation? Check. Stomach Butterflies? Check. Sweaty Hands? Check. I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE with these libraries and Candida Hofer's book. Via Lost.


Favorite wedding stuff...